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Friday 16 March 2018

Scientist Reveal What Cannabis Does to Your Bones… - Cannabis Connection

Scientist Reveal What Cannabis Does to Your Bones… - Cannabis Connection: http://realclearhealth.info/2017/11/26/watch-how-a-girls-leukemia-went-into-remission-after-only-six-days-of-using-cannabis-oil/

Thursday 19 October 2017

Trump admitted Marijuana is such a big thing and I think Miracle should happen

Image result for donald trump praising marijuana
Donald trump wants to legalize Marihuana. He says that every state needs to decide if MEDICAL marihuana is allowed or not…

He said legalization was bad idea at the CPAC convention just a few months ago. So which is it? Legalization or no? If you don’t reschedule all of the problems persist because it is still a cash business that can’t hold a bank account.

Maybe we shouldn’t look at it as a state issue and say adults who can be sent off and killed in a war should have the right to put what they want in their body. My state is not going to legalize it before I’m old or dead and I shouldn’t have to leave the area my family has lived in for generations, just to have the right to ingest one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world. This isn’t a states right issue, it’s a human rights issue. The constitution is written on hemp paper, and I genuinely believe making a crop illegal would be unconstitutional if the founding fathers thought it would have ever been an issue. Jefferson considered breeding a new cultivar of a crop to be one of the greatest services to perform for ones country, I wonder what his opinion would be on criminalizing an entire species.

Monday 16 October 2017

HOW and WHY does Cannabis Cure Cancer - Scientific Explanation



Please Re-Upload and Share this Video with Everyone! Health Professionals, Doctors and Scientists Interviewed They are listed in order of appearance in this video... Sign Global Petition to END THE WAR ON DRUGS Sign Petition @ http://www.breakingthetaboo.info/ Listed in Order of Appearance: Jeffrey Hergenrather M.D. President of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians http://thesethgroup.org/ Dr. Robert Melamed Ph.D. Associate Professor and Biology Chairman in the Biology Department at the University of Colorado and of Cannabis Science Dr. Manuel Guzman Professor of Biochemistry - University of Madrid Paul Armentano Deputy Director NORML Prakash Nagarkatti, Ph.D. Vice President for Research University of South Carolina Columbia Distinguished Professor Dr. Donald Tashkin M.D. Professor of Pulmonary Medicine, UCLA Video of Cannabis Killing Cancer Cells Link http://youtu.be/fzVZCSQf-fM These videos clips are from the following documentaries: Len Richmond's " What if Cannabis Cures Cancer " http://youtu.be/Hy66MUZP538 http://youtu.be/YnXeyNNmyyc PBS Montana " Clearing the Smoke - Science of Cannabis " http://youtu.be/a1ZJPoa58iY http://youtu.be/8aTbnO9I-TU Medical Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health http://youtu.be/8Md2WNqqxTQ http://youtu.be/3R3xWK8s3SU Sign Global Petition to END THE WAR ON DRUGS Sign Petition @ http://www.breakingthetaboo.info/

Whose Oil and Who Can You Trust? - Rick Simpson


Rick Simpson Healed 5000 people from Cancer and this the recipe that kills all kind of cancer in 90 days

Sunday 15 October 2017

Fibromyalgia -- an Invisible Illness?


Fibromyalgia, a form of chronic widespread pain, affects more than five million Americans. On the Dr. Phil show, Pfizer's Freda Lewis-Hall, MD and Dr. Phil talk to a guest about her experience with this silent but painful disease and things she can do to help manage her condition.

Check your local listings to watch the show and visit http://www.gethealthystayhealthy.com to learn more.

FibroMyalgia Pain Hell HELL


Pain most people will never understand or believe. 24 hour A Day 7 days a week.Family members should hear this so maybe they will understand.Limited Intelligence is A mire to our society not limited to any social or academia structure
(Dick Dr's.)

Simply said--- NEVER JUSTIFY YOURSELF TO STUPID! Most people do not reflect, think, or learn. And not worth my limited energy!


Fibromyalgia Pain? How To Beat It! - Dr. Mandell


This crazy diagnosis is a guessing game for most doctors. This information will help make a positive change towards healing.

Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain Relief Frequency : Whole Body Pain Remover - ...


Fibromyalgia Syndrome is a condition in which stiffness and pain occurs throughout the body along with the symptoms of headaches, irritation, mood disorder, fatigue, sleep disruption, anxiety depression etc.

This session is to ease you from such conditions and give you a good night sleep.


Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain Relief Frequency : Whole Body Pain Remover - Binaural Beats Sound Therapy - Sleep Hypnosis by Binaural Beats Meditation (Good Vibes)

NOTE : The binaural beats provided is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. This video should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health Don’t forget to Subscribe Us... Please Subscribe us for Daily Updates and more Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIau... Find Us on social Media: - https://www.facebook.com/GoodVibesCha... - https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1136487... - https://twitter.com/GoodVibesTube

8 Types of Fibromyalgia Pain


How to decode type types of pain that might be layered and tied together in your body.

I started vlogging about being the parent of a special needs son and as my journey progressed I realized how badly my fibro is affecting my life. Now I search and search to reaffirm that I am not crazy and to see what other people are doing. Especially looking for nutrition support.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia


Hey, there's more fibro info down here----

I haven't written or recorded a basic post/video about the symptoms of Fibromyalgia... .even though that is the very illness that prompted me to start my Health Adjacent blog and YouTube channel. I guess I feel like it's something that most people generally understand. But after recording this video, I realized that though awareness about the illness has increased, there's still a whole lot to be said.
If you'd like a run down of the symptoms I experience, be sure to watch the following video. I've included the basics: Generalized pain Disturbed Sleep Brain Fog or Fibro Fog Sensory Overstimulation
I've also taken the time to talk about some of the other symptoms that affect me. Maybe they affect you, too. That's the weird thing about Fibro...it's different for everyone. Fun!

The one thing I forgot to mention in my video is this: people with Fibromyalgia have negative test results on all most all rheumatological panels. I can't tell you the number of times I've walked in to a doctor's office, feeling like total hammered dog shit and had them tell me "well, all of your tests came back normal." As if that should make me feel better. Guess what...still in pain...still feel like hammered dog shit.
Anyway, without further ado, here's the latest Health Adjacent video: Symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

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